About value of irrational decisions

 I have found invariant of a continuum in the form of a kernel of strict irrational mathematics. I solved the problem in a practical way – by means of experiments – by method of selecting the master key.

 I do not see problems with detection of the decision of an irrational task by others scientists. Entropy of scientific knowledge grows with the big speed presently. Scientists will receive this decision in immediate prospects without dependence from me.

 I see problems round the decision. The publication of the decision does not solve a problem of a path to the result – on the part of opponents – with the subsequent comprehension and application of irrational philosophy as the base platform. I see barriers at terminology level already. Possibility of the strict decision of an irrational task transforms irrational decision in reasonable decision – in the part of the right irrational decisions.

 I try to rethink my experience from the point of view of fundamental science. I use results of my experiments and properties of new mathematics here. I use knowledge of methodology of construction of the Theory of the Relativity and other theories also.